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Unit 1 agribusiness defined


1. Analyze the information and find the answers to the following questions: a) Which definitions of agribusiness are there?; b) Which aspects does the concept of agribusiness cover?; c) What kinds of specialist are engaged in agribusiness?

In agriculture, agribusiness is a generic term that refers to the various businesses involved in food production, including farming, seed supply, agrichemicals, farm machinery, wholesale and distribution, processing, marketing, and retail sales.

The term has two distinctly different connotations depending on context. Within the agriculture industry, agribusiness is widely used simply as the convenient contraction of agriculture and business, referring to the range of activities and disciplines encompassed by modern food production. There are academic degrees and departments of agribusiness, agribusiness trade associations, agribusiness publications, and so forth, worldwide. Here, the term is only descriptive, and is synonymous in the broadest sense with food industry. Among critics of large-scale, industrialized, vertically-integrated food production, the term agribusiness is used as a negative, synonymous with corporate farming. As such, it is often contrasted with family farm.

Agribusiness encompasses all business activities that take place from farm to fork. It is a vast and complex industry. It is a diverse discipline, a combination of both business and technology. It is the business of food and fiber production and the technology to change a raw material or an idea into a new product or business for the world’s consumers. Implicit in this description are labor issues, import/export considerations, impacts on commodity markets and food processing, and implications for government policy.

2. Restore the words determining which parts of speech they are. Current condition of american agribusiness


 Farming a…s for only part of the overall agricultural business of the United States (US), and by itself, a…s for just 1% of US Gross Domestic Product (GDP). However, when c…ed with the large support system of the entire agricultural industry plus related industries (equipment st…s, packing sheds, seed warehouses, etc.), domestic agricultural business c…s $1.5 trillion or 16% of US GDP and employs 17% of the w…f... The structure of the farm sector has changed to meet a new g…y competitive marketplace. While the d…c agricultural market is mature, the global market is evolving. Technological ad…s have increased agribusiness productivity and competition, and farmers continually seek ways to increase pr…ty.

3. Insert the appropriate words into the blanks The us Market

  The US market is (1). Farm produce demand is driven by consumer desires for safe, (2), and diverse food rather than just food to meet basic (3) requirements. Further, farm produce is (4) sensitive. Consequently, US agribusiness looks to global markets to absorb their excess (5), provide growth, and help improve profits. This increasing global market for US agricultural output directly (6) farm policy, which now attempts to (7) more on opening global markets and keeping American farmers competitive rather than on domestic price supports or controlling supply. Today, approximately 40% of US farms receive government program (8).

Increased competition and improved technology have (9) farm output over the past 50 years. This productivity increase resulted in a reduction in the (10) of farms. Agribusiness has improved competitive advantage through economies of size, achieved through the (11) of independent farms. Farmers have integrated vertically and horizontally to improve (12). The current US agribusiness includes farms dealing with a wide range of activities - from product (13) to (14) delivery. In addition, a growing number of farms have a dedicated relationship with (15)-name companies.

Accessible, affects, benefits, brand, capacity, consolidation, consumer, demand, development, doubled, energy, focus, mature, number, profitability

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